How Does Exercise Help With Stress?


Physical activity improves both your body's ability to use oxygen and blood flow.  Both of these modifications have an immediate impact on your brain. Exercise also boosts the production of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are the "feel-good" neurotransmitters responsible for the coveted "runner's high." This is the sense of well-being and euphoria that many people feel after exercising.

Physical activity can also help to distract you from your worries. Exercise's repetitive motions encourage you to focus on your body rather than your mind. Concentrating on the rhythm of your movements provides many of the same benefits as meditation while working out. 

Concentrating on a single physical task can provide a boost of energy and optimism. This concentration can help to provide calm and clarity. Some people report an immediate improvement in their mood following a workout. Those feelings don't go away, but rather accumulate over time. As you stick to a consistent exercise routine, you will most likely experience increased feelings of well-being. Regular exercise not only lowers your stress levels but also promotes overall health in other ways. Improving your overall health may help to reduce your stress levels indirectly. You'll have less to worry about if you improve your physical wellness and heart health.

 Exercise can also help with the following additional benefits:

 strengthen your muscles and bones boost your immunity, and lower your risk of illness and infection

lower your blood pressure as much as possible

some antihypertensive drugs

increase the amount of good cholesterol in your blood

 better your blood circulation

 improve your weight-control abilities

 assist you in sleeping better at night

increase your energy

enhance your self-esteem







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